Bonus Miles

Bonus Miles is now available!

Bonus Miles is for those of you who loved Thirst and Mud, Rocks, Blazes and wished they were longer. It’s for those of you who want to know more of the behind the scenes and love to see what got edited out.

Bonus Miles is a raw and rough edited compilation of my writing prior to my PCT 2013 FKT through my 2016 AZT FKT.

This is a self-printed project and not available anywhere else!

“On the trail bonus miles are the ones that don’t get you where you’re going. They can be walked in town, or because you got lost, or to get to a water source or shelter. The stories contained in this book are primarily ones that didn’t make the cut for either of my first two memoirs (Thirst: 2600 Miles to Home and Mud, Rocks, Blazes: Letting Go on the Appalachian Trail). In this way, they are akin to the content that ends up on the cutting room floor in both music and film—and sometimes included as Bonus Tracks at the end of CDs and DVDs. 

These stories are raw and largely unedited. Like studio sessions or bonus miles logged on trail they are meant to be glimpses into both the creative process and the heart of hiking itself. These are for my beloved readers who always ask for more. When possible, I’ve included a preamble to let you know where in my books these original scenes fell. 

Additionally, I’ve included poems, blog posts, and other musings from the milieu surrounding the time frame of my Pacific Crest, Appalachian Trail, or Arizona Trail Fastest Known Times.  

I hope you enjoy walking these extra miles with me through the following pages.”

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As a welcome bonus you’ll receive a special deleted chapter from my memoir Mud, Rocks, Blazes: Letting Go on the Appalachian Trail…available only to my newsletter subscribers!